Interfaith Resource Page

This resource page is to help students, staff, and faculty navigate the many faith-based and interfaith resources at the University of Michigan and beyond. This is not an exhaustive list and it serves as an opportunity to begin exploring and learning more. The resource page will be updated as needed to maintain relevant and accurate resources. If there are resources that you have found valuable to your experience and not available here, feel free to email

  1. Trotter Interfaith Curriculum - Resources developed by Trotter Multicultural Center to promote reflection and critical thinking around religious, spiritual, & secular (RSS) identity.

    1. Interfaith Program: Students' Experiences Finding Community (VIDEO)

    2. Interfaith America: How Do My Religious-Spiritual-Secular Beliefs Shape My Experience on Campus and In This Country? (VIDEO SERIES)

  2. Interfaith Advisory Group: A group that the Center for Campus Involvement & Trotter Multicultural Center convenes for faculty and staff to learn more about current interfaith efforts, provide insights and perspectives for programming, and support student advocacy for continued interfaith programming on campus.

    1. Email us at if you are interested or would like more information.

  3. Faith-Based and Interfaith Courses: Resources to connect students with curricular opportunities to explore Religious, Spiritual, and Secular (RSS) identity. 

    1. Library Research Guide on Religious Studies

    2. (Winter 2022) ALA 270, Section 005 - Applied Liberal Arts Topics - Speaking of Interfaith: Religious, Spiritual, and Secular Identities on Campus and Beyond

    3. (Winter 2022) RCSSCI 360, Section 010 - Social Science Junior Seminar, Interfaith Organizing and Social Justice

  4. UM Campus Resources: Resources to help students better navigate the Religious, Spiritual, and Secular (RSS) specific resources on campus.

    1. Reflection Rooms

    2. Food Accommodations

    3. "Religious/Spiritual" Organizations on Maize Pages 

    4. Religious Holidays Calendar 

  5. Community Resources - Resources to help students better navigate the Religious, Spiritual, and Secular (RSS) specific resources in the greater community.

    1. Association of Religious Counselors (ARC)

    2. Interfaith Council for Peace & Justice (ICPJ)

  6. National/International Resources - Resources to help students better navigate the Religious, Spiritual, and Secular (RSS) specific resources beyond Michigan.

    1. Interfaith Youth Core (IFYC)

    2. The Pluralism Project at Harvard University